Happy birthday Shakespeare! - Learn English with music featuring Shakespeare’s work.

Happy birthday Shakespeare! - Learn English with music featuring Shakespeare’s work.

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Did you know that every April, we celebrate not just the arrival of spring but also the birthday of the greatest playwright in the English language, William Shakespeare? Born on April 23, 1564, Shakespeare has left an indelible mark on literature, coining phrases and crafting stories that have stood the test of time. But his influence doesn’t stop with literature; it extends into the very music we listen to today. Shakespeare’s themes, words, and characters have inspired countless artists, showing that the his legacy is as alive as ever in the modern music scene.

Shakespeare was a master of the English language, enriching it with new words and expressive phrases that capture the full spectrum of human emotion. It’s this profound understanding and innovative use of language that has made his work resonate through the ages, even making its way into the lyrics of contemporary songs.

To show our appreciation for Shakespeare’s influence let’s dive deeper into how Shakespeare’s timeless work weaves through these modern classics: 

The Beatles - "I Am the Walrus"

  • In "I Am the Walrus," The Beatles not only showcase their experimental edge but also pay a whimsical tribute to Shakespeare’s "King Lear." The song is peppered with abstract imagery and surreal references, mirroring the chaotic beauty of Shakespeare’s works. Specifically, the Beatles draw inspiration from the play’s Act IV, Scene VI, where Edgar’s nonsensical ramblings to Gloucester on the cliffs of Dover resonate with the song’s lyrical absurdity. This track stands as a testament to how Shakespeare’s exploration of madness and folly can transcend centuries and find a home in the psychedelic rock of the 1960s.

The Lumineers - "Ophelia"

  • "Ophelia" by The Lumineers delves deep into the heartache and tragedy of Shakespeare’s character from "Hamlet." The song is a beautifully melancholic piece that captures Ophelia’s essence, intertwining it with the narrative of a modern-day love story gone awry. Through poignant lyrics and soul-stirring melodies, The Lumineers manage to evoke the emotional turmoil and innocence of Ophelia, reflecting on how love can sometimes lead to our undoing. It's a powerful homage to Shakespeare's ability to portray the complexities of the human heart, showing that his characters’ experiences are as relatable now as they were in the Elizabethan era.

Arctic Monkeys - "I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor"

  • Arctic Monkeys’ electrifying hit, "I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor," draws an unexpected connection to Shakespeare amidst references to the early '80s electro-pop scene and a coded nod to Duran Duran’s "Rio." The song cleverly incorporates Shakespeare’s most renowned love story, not through its star-crossed lovers, but via a mention of their feuding families: "Oh, there ain't no love no, Montagues or Capulets, just banging tunes and DJ sets and dirty dance floors and dreams of naughtiness." This line highlights how Shakespeare's influence can permeate even the most frenetic of modern tracks, blending timeless literary themes with contemporary beats.

Taylor Swift - "Love Story"

  • Taylor Swift’s "Love Story" brings Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet" into the 21st century, turning the tragic tale into an anthem of hope and happy endings. Swift's lyrics draw directly from the play’s themes and characters, creating a narrative that’s both familiar and freshly hopeful. With lines like “Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone/I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run,” Swift captures the longing and defiance of Shakespeare’s lovers, while also crafting a storyline that veers towards a joyous resolution. This song showcases the enduring power of Shakespeare’s stories, their capacity to inspire new tales, and their influence on artists across all genres.

Learn English with Shakespearean Flair on Singit

As we celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday, why not dive into the richness of the English language and literature with a musical twist? Singit offers you the unique opportunity to explore English through songs inspired by Shakespeare’s enduring legacy. Download Singit now and embark on a lyrical journey through time with a 7-day free trial. Whether you’re a fan of The Beatles, The Lumineers, Arctic Monkeys, or Taylor Swift, let the words of Shakespeare enhance your language learning experience. Start your adventure with Singit today, where music and mastery meet.