Learn English by listening to Sia

Learn English by listening to Sia

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The incredibly talented Australian singer-songwriter Sia has truly made her mark on the world, crafting songs that not only top charts globally but also capture our hearts with their profound depth. In celebration of her remarkable lyrical prowess, why don't we take a closer look at some of the captivating metaphors in her 2013 hit, "Elastic Heart"? It's a fantastic way to practice our English as well as appreciate the artistry and emotion she weaves into her music. So, let's dive in and explore some part of  the beauty behind the words of "Elastic Heart."

And another one bites the dust

Oh, why can I not conquer love?

And I might've thought that we were one

Wanted to fight this war without weapons

This verse is rich with metaphors that explore the themes of struggle, vulnerability, and resilience in the face of love's challenges. The opening line, "And another one bites the dust," uses a metaphor typically associated with defeat or failure, suggesting the end of another attempt at love that has fallen apart. The question "Oh, why can I not conquer love?" employs the metaphor of love as a battlefield, indicating the speaker's frustration and sense of helplessness in achieving lasting love. This imagery is further expanded with "Wanted to fight this war without weapons," which poignantly highlights the speaker's desire to engage in this emotional battle unarmed, signifying a wish for a pure, unguarded connection that transcends the need for defense mechanisms or strategies. 

And I wanted it, and I wanted it bad

But there were so many red flags

Now another one bites the dust

Yeah, let's be clear I'll trust no one

This verse delves deeply into the dynamics of desire and caution in the realm of personal relationships. The phrase "And I wanted it, and I wanted it bad" speaks to intense longing and desire, illustrating a deep yearning for connection or achievement that is almost tangible in its urgency. The mention of "so many red flags" employs a common metaphor indicating warnings or signs of potential trouble ahead. "Now another one bites the dust" continues the theme of failure or loss, metaphorically likening the end of a relationship or endeavor to a competitor being taken out of a race or battle. Finally, "Yeah, let's be clear I'll trust no one" reflects a resolve shaped by past experiences, using the metaphor of clarity to signify a decision to protect oneself from future hurt by withholding trust. 

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

But your blade it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

'Cause I've got an elastic heart

In this chorus, the metaphors vividly illustrate resilience and vulnerability in the face of emotional challenges. "Thick skin" and "elastic heart" suggest a strong, resilient nature, able to withstand and recover from hurt. However, "your blade might be too sharp" introduces the possibility of being wounded by someone close, whose actions or words could cut deeper than expected. Comparing herself to a "rubber band" emphasizes flexibility and the ability to endure tension, yet acknowledges a limit to this resilience, indicating a breaking point where she might react swiftly to protect herself. Despite these vulnerabilities, "you won't see me fall apart" reaffirms her strength and determination to maintain composure and not let her struggles be visibly overwhelming. 

Diving into Sia's metaphors has been such a delightful journey, hasn't it? Her lyrics are nothing short of brilliant! Did you uncover some new insights about "Elastic Heart"? Also, If this has piqued your interest and you're keen on exploring more of Sia's beautiful lyrics to boost your English skills, why not hop onto Singit? Go ahead and download it to begin a 7-day free trial today! Let's continue this exciting adventure of learning together, with the magic of music as our guide.