February 4, 2024

Which English words are most common in the Hebrew language?

Hey, and this time we have a special - trendy words in English that are common in Hebrew. Did you notice that half of this sentence is even in English? As Hebrew speakers sometimes we don't notice the huge influence of English on our language. When Eliezer Ben Yehuda revived the Hebrew language at the end of the 19th century, he did not imagine how many concepts and expressions in English would enter our daily routine. Today there are expressions in English that are an integral part of the Hebrew language, and in this article we will try to bring the common and familiar words in them.

Which English words are most common in the Hebrew language?

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How English Words Made Their Way Into the Hebrew Language

Words that are transferred from one language to another are called "loanwords." This is a natural phenomenon that occurs in all languages worldwide. Why does this happen? No language in the world exists in a vacuum. The contact between languages naturally creates mutual influence, and the more intense the interaction, the stronger the influence on the language.

There are many fields where loanwords are more common, such as medicine, law, technology, and science, where there is an effort to create a unified, international language. Additional reasons for borrowing words can be:

  • To overcome a lack of vocabulary in the language.
  • To create cultural closeness.
  • To create differentiation or prestige.
  • To create a certain atmosphere.

The Prevalence of English Words in Hebrew

Generally, English words that appear in Hebrew can be divided into several groups:

1. Slang:

The first and perhaps most popular group of English words that we use in Hebrew is an integral part of our daily speech and slang. Words like: Hi, Bye, Okay, Tip, Cool, Snob, Sorry, Please, and many more. These expressions and many others have become so ingrained in our speech that we don't always pay attention to the fact that they are originally English words.

2. Machines and Technology:

This group is no less significant. It includes technical words of technologies or their parts, such as: Automobile, Telephone, Television, Radio, Brake, Toaster, Tank, and more. In this group, some words have Hebrew alternatives, such as "מצנם" (Toaster), but the English words have taken their place in the conversation.

3. Expressions and Descriptions:

This group describes general expressions or descriptions that are simply easier to express in English, such as: Rational, Theoretical, Effective, Specific, Overrated, Underrated, and more. We can find Hebrew alternatives for these expressions, but in many cases, it is easier and clearer to use the English expressions.

4. Professional Terms:

This group includes common professional expressions that have become interwoven into the Hebrew language, such as: Scoop, Hacker, Special, Project, Volume, Course, and more. We can usually find a Hebrew alternative for these expressions as well, but due to the high frequency of their use in foreign languages, we use their English word.

The Importance of High-Level English Proficiency

Of course, if we decided to write a book instead of an article about English words that have made their way into Hebrew, we would easily reach 10 different groups with countless more words. So there is no doubt about the tremendous influence of the English language on our Hebrew. This understanding is an excellent reason to expand our vocabulary and knowledge of English. When you are proficient in English, you gain a second language that can advance your career and help you navigate the world. On the other hand, you gain a new world of expressions and vocabulary that can also be used in Hebrew, thus diversifying and refreshing your expression in speech and writing.